Finding an Oasis in Your Practice

Music is about who it serves, how it serves people, what it can do for people in bringing hope, comfort, peace, joy, release, an opportunity for expression, a means to bring people together! Everyone needs what this student was talking about, and the beauty is, really when you sit down at the piano, or with your guitar, violin, cello, or trumpet in those moments—you don’t just get what you need emotionally and as an individual, you also grow musically! It’s a win win situation.

Practicing with a Groove

A practice idea that I think your kids and you our adult students might enjoy and find as a way to shake things up a little and have fun while working on your scales and your timing, tempo, and feel. Practicing with a groove.

What Happens When a Student Doesn’t Practice?

What Happens When a Student Doesn’t Practice? Should they Still Come to their Lesson? The short answer is, of course! Practice is ideal as we can see both student progress and areas of need that we can address. We love to celebrate victories and see and hear progress of any size! And of course we […]

New Year, New Goals

Do you have dreams of what you’d like to sound like, or what you’d like to be able to do musically? I hope you do! And I hope you will consider what baby steps you may be able to make towards meeting goals that may help that dream come to reality this year. Musical goals […]

How Can We Motivate our Child to Practice?

A common question we get is, how can we motivate our child to practice? If they seem disinterested, should we allow them to drop out of music study and practice? Great question! Many students struggle with music in the beginning. Most students (adults and children) just don’t realize how complex the language/rhythm aspect of music […]

Shedding In the Street?

Can regular time in the shed (the practice shed) actually be a problem? In The Tuned In Musician I muse a bit on one possible negative impact of regular disciplined music practice. Of all people, realize that in no way do I intend to discount the value of music practice as a discipline. On the […]