The Tuned In Academy

Homeschool Drum Lab, with Jimmie, Tuesdays at 1PM, this fall. Tuition is just $65 monthly for the first student ($60 for each additional student). What could be more fun than bucket drums to add to your child’s homeschool experience? All your kids need is a pair of sticks and a practice pad to get started (a bucket for home is fun and cheap, we have them at the studio of course for class).
Ideal for students 9-11 but there’s always exceptions. Drum lab is an awesome entry way into rhthym and music in fun, accessable, and affordable way!
Homeschool Piano Lab for Beginners with SD Tuesdays @ 2:30, just $65 monthly for weekly half hour small group piano classes! Only TWO seats left!
Piano Lab is our most popular class, a one of a kind experience learning piano in a small group, each student at their own full size digital piano, learning all the essentials of piano and music with a conservatory trained, professional musician with over 27 years of experience as an educator. Have fun, learn, and make friends!
Learn Piano with SD!
Pop Vocal Ensemble with Angelia Fridays 1-2PM, just $105 monthly for weekly one-hour small group vocal ensemble!
PVE is an awesome way to hone you voice, learn to sing healthy and beautifully, and be a part of a fun group! A one of a kind experience learning in a small group, learning all the essentials of vocal music with an extremely capable, young, fun, experienced musician and educator (and Miss Cherry Blossom). Have fun, learn, and make friends!
Guitar for Absolute Beginners (GAB) with Angelia at TIA West Tuesdays @5PM, just $105 monthly for weekly one-hour small group guitar classes. Only TWO seats left!
GAB is an awesome way to learn guitar. A one of a kind experience learning in a small group, learning all the essentials of guitar and music with an extremely capable, young, fun, experienced musician and educator. Have fun, learn, and make friends!
Angelia, Associate Faculty
Drum Lab for Beginners! 
Ideal for kids about 8-10, drum lab is fun, a great little community environment, and an excellent and affordable gateway into music and drumming! Conservatory quality instruction by a conservatory trained professional working musician who is also a caring and highly effective teacher. Tuition is just $65 monthly for this weekly half hour small group class, nearly half of what you would pay for private lessons in many places.
Drum Lab with Jordan
This Drum lab will meet weekly at 4:30 on Fridays

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“Sean-David is an excellent and patient piano teacher. He makes every lesson a fun and adventurous when it…

– Parent of KAB Kids Students